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Preceptory News 2024

Temple Preceptory No. 327

Installation of a new knight   at Temple Preceptory No. 327
Kt Phil Hudson and Preceptor EKt Adie Bunn


The Bodyguard 2024

Provincial Priors Bodyguard for the 2024/2025 season invested on the 1st of June 2024 at Freemasons Hall Christleton. 

Temple Preceptory No. 327

On Monday 25th March the members of Temple Preceptory No327 were delighted to receive a visit from the Provincial Prior and the Provincial Team whereupon upwards of fifty Knights witnessed a double installation ceremony.

Pictured from left to right Knight Tony Sheridan, E.Kt Peter Butler Sub Prior, E.Kt Adrian Bunn Preceptor, V.E.Kt Alan Pierce Provincial Prior, Kt Rob Wakefield.


St Salem Preceptory

On 28 September 2023 E.Kt. J. Norman Alcock P.Gt.St.B.(V.B.) celebrated 50 years as a member of the Order and of St Salem Preceptory. 




Temple Preceptory No 327

On Monday 5th February Adrian Bunn was installed as Emminent Preceptor of Temple Preceptory No 327. 
Left to right, Emminent Knight Howard Coppenhall IPP, Emminent Knight Adrian Bunn Preceptor, Emminent Knight Fraser Fowlie Representative of the RE Provincial Prior.