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R.E.Kt. Alan Pierce, J.P. was installed as Provincial Prior for the Province of Cheshire and North Wales 
on Saturday 16th October 2021 at Cheshire View, Christleton, Cheshire


R.E.Kt. Alan is well known to you all having first been appointed to Active Provincial Rank in 1994. Other Active Rank appointments followed thereafter culminating in his succession to the office of Sub-Prior in 2013 and his experience in that office will undoubtedly stand him in good stead in the future. I am sure you will join me in congratulating him on his preferment.


The Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement GCT with the Provincial Prior, R.Em. Kt. Alan Pierce JP



Further to the letter from R.E. Kt. Ryan William, K.C.T., Great Vice-Chancellor, advising that the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master has appointed me to be Provincial Prior for Cheshire and North Wales, I am delighted to tell you that E.Kt. Peter John Butler, P.Dep.Gt. Swd. B, Provincial Vice-Chancellor, has accepted my invitation to be my Provincial Sub-Prior.


Peter has worked extremely hard on behalf of the Province since his appointment as Provincial Vice-Chancellor by R.E. Kt. Tony Mathie, and I have no doubt that he will continue to do so in his new role.





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