Established 30th November 1924
Meeting Dates: 1st Monday in February, April, and October
Installation: April
Meeting at:
The Masonic Hall,
Pare Menai,
For further information regarding how to join please contact the Registrar
This Preceptory was consecrated in 1925 at the Masonic Hall, Bangor by the M. E. and Supreme Pro Grand Master Major-General T. C. P. Calley.
The first meeting was held on 5th October 1925 at the Castle Hotel, Bangor.
The Preceptory moved to Rhyl in 1938, and should have meant an increase in membership as all the then recently installed Knights were from that area.
The outbreak of war upset everything, and only Installation Ceremonies were held up to 1945.
The fortunes of the Preceptory in the early 80’s were mixed, but by the end of the decade new members had been found and some wanted a move back
to the Bangor area, as increased costs at Rhyl were getting prohibitive. In 1992 the movement back to Menai Bridge was accepted and since then
membership has increased steadily.
The first 75 years in the history of the Preceptory have shown that there are “ups and downs”, a characteristic of many organisations.
It is thanks to the dedication of many of the past and present members that the current membership is solid and enthusiastic.