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Christmas Message 2023

The Provincial Priory of Cheshire and North Wales
A Christmas Message for 2023


Brother Knights, as 2023 fades quietly away, we reflect on the year now almost behind us, and look forward to what 2024 may bring. Let us however pause to celebrate this special time – the celebration of the Birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, at Christmas. May it for you and your loved ones be a time to share happy friendships and continuing enjoyment of those friendships; a pause in busy lives to appreciate what our Faith brings to us. The world is very different from only a few years ago but the love of Christ remains constant.
Celebrate Christmas and cherish those near and dear to us.


May your 2024 be a happy time. Let us welcome the New Year with eager anticipation of the opportunities it will bring.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Alan Pierce
Provincial Prior                       20 December 2023